Birth Circle Quick Facts:
Benefits of Breastfeeding
1. Better for Baby
Breastfed babies are at lower risk for ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea, pneumonia, asthma, diabetes, urinary-tract infections, food allergies and eczema. It can also help prevent obesity later in life.
2. Better for Mom
Breastfeeding benefits Mom by helping her body to return to normal after childbirth. Nursing burns about 500 calories a day, which helps to take off extra pregnancy pounds. The hormone Oxytocin that is released during nursing helps the uterus to return to its normal size and helps to reduce postpartum bleeding.
3. Bonding
The act of nursing is important in the early bonding between mom and baby. Frequent skin-to-skin contact comforts both baby and mom, and close eye-contact during nursing can be a great way to foster trust and communication.
4. Better for the Earth
No packaging means no trash!
5. Convenient and Free!
Breast milk is always the right temperature for baby and requires no mixing or preparation. And you can’t beat the price!
Source: “Breastfeeding” Parenting Magazine. Mar. 5 2008.